SEO, Adsense Tips And Tricks: Website Traffic



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Showing posts with label Website Traffic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Website Traffic. Show all posts

Sunday, 23 September 2012


Small, easy thing to increase traffic to your sites

This is a blackhattish thing that I love to do and it’s really been paying off lately.
Some of you may already be doing this.
1) First – either sign up for a quality proxy service or sign up for a dialup internet connection so you can dial out from multiple cities/regions. Just remember to delete cookies each time you log in as a new user from a new city.
2) Make sure you have articles submitted to ezineraticles; lenses created at Squidoo; and make sure that some of your website content has been “Digged” or “Dugg” at
3) Log in as a new user at ezinearticles; scroll to find an article of yours; post a comment on it – a positive comment, keep it short and simple like “this article was helpful to me – I followed your suggestions and some from your website and I cured my boils/I made a lot of money/I lost weight, etc.”
At squidoo log in as a new user; scroll to your squidoo lens and if you have a guestbook set up comment as a new guest, say something nice about the lens. If you haven’t set up a guestbook simply give your squidoo a nice rating.
At Digg log in as a new user, scroll to a past “digg” you submitted on an article; and comment on the “digg.”
Commenting on your ezinearticles, squidoo lens, and diggs with a “vote” for its quality can help your material rise in the rankings at those respective sites (ezinearticles might put it in its top list for your keyword; squidoo lens will rank higher in google; digg you comment on can gain traction in the search engines for your keywords.)
You can also add some yahooanswers to the mix. Create a keyword related question in yahoo answers as one user. Use keywords you want your website to rank for, and keywords that ideally you’ve already created an ezinearticle, squidoo lens, or Digg submission for.
Wait a few days. it’s always good to let your yahoo answers age and let a few other people answer your question so it doesn’t look like you’re spamming.
Then sign in as a new yahoo user or a different yahoo id. Respond to your own question and in the resources area list a link to your ezinearticle, your squidoo lens, and/or your recent digg submission.
So you’re creating a spiderweb of authority votes for stuff you have floating out there. If you keep tightly focused on keywords you want to rank for, this is a good way to crack those higher competition keywords that normally you’d have some troubles ranking for with your site. Plus these techniques are just good to build traffic.
If you want to really hit your ezinearticle, squidoo lens, or digg submission hard to increase its power, gradually (over weeks, not days) keep logging in as new users (via proxy or new dialup locations – remember to clear cookies first) and keep voting on or commenting on your stuff.
Its a nice way to get a little more leverage and power for your keywords.

Sunday, 26 August 2012


Get more traffic and easy 120 backlinks

I found this site called last night. They are currently offering free backlinking (upto 120) if you submit just an article to them. They claim that you will increase 7% more backlink if you add at least 1 wordpress blog as well as refferals to their site. It is just like submitting to article directry but easir and effective. I think it is a pretty fair deal to get free 100 backlinks from virtually doing nothing..
here is a site –

Wednesday, 22 August 2012


WholesaleTrafficSystem – $1997

It’s very simple… 
Once You Know How To Buy Traffic At Wholesale Prices – You NEVER Have To
Worry About Money Again…EVER!
This is the great and fantastic valued at $1997.
Pre Launch freebies:

Wednesday, 18 July 2012


Get Indexed in 10 Minutes

Very easy to do and I have got 4 sites indexed within 10 mins, in a row.
Write or buy a 400-500 word article / press release about anything you like, you could use related but, to get indexed it`s not needed.
Go and join:
Submit your article / press release with your URL in the resource box, you cannot use anchor text.
The article usually gets indexed in around 2-3 minutes and the site around 10 minutes later.

Friday, 13 July 2012


Small, easy thing to increase traffic to your sites

This is a blackhattish thing that I love to do and it’s really been paying off lately.
Some of you may already be doing this.
1) First – either sign up for a quality proxy service or sign up for a dialup internet connection so you can dial out from multiple cities/regions. Just remember to delete cookies each time you log in as a new user from a new city.
2) Make sure you have articles submitted to ezineraticles; lenses created at Squidoo; and make sure that some of your website content has been “Digged” or “Dugg” at
3) Log in as a new user at ezinearticles; scroll to find an article of yours; post a comment on it – a positive comment, keep it short and simple like “this article was helpful to me – I followed your suggestions and some from your website and I cured my boils/I made a lot of money/I lost weight, etc.”
At squidoo log in as a new user; scroll to your squidoo lens and if you have a guestbook set up comment as a new guest, say something nice about the lens. If you haven’t set up a guestbook simply give your squidoo a nice rating.
At Digg log in as a new user, scroll to a past “digg” you submitted on an article; and comment on the “digg.”
Commenting on your ezinearticles, squidoo lens, and diggs with a “vote” for its quality can help your material rise in the rankings at those respective sites (ezinearticles might put it in its top list for your keyword; squidoo lens will rank higher in google; digg you comment on can gain traction in the search engines for your keywords.)
You can also add some yahooanswers to the mix. Create a keyword related question in yahoo answers as one user. Use keywords you want your website to rank for, and keywords that ideally you’ve already created an ezinearticle, squidoo lens, or Digg submission for.
Wait a few days. it’s always good to let your yahoo answers age and let a few other people answer your question so it doesn’t look like you’re spamming.
Then sign in as a new yahoo user or a different yahoo id. Respond to your own question and in the resources area list a link to your ezinearticle, your squidoo lens, and/or your recent digg submission.
So you’re creating a spiderweb of authority votes for stuff you have floating out there. If you keep tightly focused on keywords you want to rank for, this is a good way to crack those higher competition keywords that normally you’d have some troubles ranking for with your site. Plus these techniques are just good to build traffic.
If you want to really hit your ezinearticle, squidoo lens, or digg submission hard to increase its power, gradually (over weeks, not days) keep logging in as new users (via proxy or new dialup locations – remember to clear cookies first) and keep voting on or commenting on your stuff.
Its a nice way to get a little more leverage and power for your keywords.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012


WordPress SMS Plugin

Wednesday, 2 May 2012


Simple Way To Get Traffic

Monday, 30 April 2012


Get Traffic From 0 To 5000 Visitors Free

Thursday, 26 April 2012


Make Money from Your Website

Tuesday, 3 April 2012


Increase Traffic By 150%

My website has been averaging about 100-300 visitors a day, and now I implemented a few quick things, and it’s averaging about 600-1000 visitors per day!

These steps only work for wordpress websites.

Step 1: SEO SearchTerms Tagging 2 Plugin
You add the “popular search terms”, “recent search terms”, and “popular terms in category” widgets in your appearance section.

You then set the configuration to show 100 instead of 10.

This plugin optimizes all your pages and posts for the search terms, and also shows you what people are typing into google to get to your page.


Let’s say your page title is “Monkeys Eat Bananas On Trees In Hawaii”

This plugin will then show you what terms people searched for and arrived on your page. So it would show for example the keyterm “monkeys bored eating hawaii bananas and farting”, the plugin at this point also optimizes that specific page for relevant keywords and exact search terms.

Then if someone searches “banana monkey lovers” and gets to your page, then it also optimizes for that keyword.

Now your not going to get 1,000 people searching for “monkeys bored eating hawaii bananas and farting”, but when you have hundreds of keywords per page being optimized your traffic will increase.

Step 2: Misspelled Keywords
example: it’s a page you made about “Lil Wayne In Jail Writing Songs”

Your tags “lil wayne,jail,writing songs”

Put your post tags in the following format in the tool:

lil wayne,
writing songs,

Then you select “double letters” (works best) or “skip letters” (pretty good), and you click generate typos, then you get a bunch of misspelled keywords that you could use for tags.

These two steps implemented have increased my traffic by over 150%

Take advantage and increase your own traffic!

Sunday, 1 April 2012


Only 5 Minutes of Work to get Free Traffic!!!HUH!!!

This method of generating traffic is very easy to implement yet very few people know
about it. It’s very powerful and if you use it with a great affiliate product or any
product that you’re selling. It has the potential of making some money quickly. I’ve
been using this method in just under a year now on Squidoo. When I discovered
HubPages I started using it there too. This may be just the kind of
information that will take your Lenses and Hub pages to the next level of income and
traffic generation.

How I Discovered this Trick.

I discovered this trick by accident. I created a Squidoo lens for one Clickbank affiliate
program and added some tracking to the Clickbank URL. A few hours later, when I
checked my Clickbank account to look at something else, I discovered that I had
made 3 sales from the Squidoo lens that I had made. I was shocked! So I stopped
everything and logged on to Squidoo to see what was happening. I looked at my lens
stats and I discovered that I had 248 visits to my lens. I had done just one thing
differently when I created this lens.

I tested this on HubPages several weeks later and the same thing happened except
this time I had 2 sales after a day. My HubPage stats showed 167 visits referred by
HubPages and 194 by Google search.

The Trick: What it is and how it Works.

This trick uses what are called tag pages. If you go to Squidoo or HubPages and click
on a tag you’ll see what a tag page is. This is a page which has a list of all the
Squidoo lenses / HubPages that use that tag. For those who don’t know, A tag is just like a keyword or search
term which can be used to describe what a lens or hub is about. Here are some
examples of Tag pages on both Squidoo and HubPages:

You’ll notice that some of the tag pages have a very high Google PR (Pagerank). (This
means that if you get your Lens or Hub page listed on a tag page with a high PR, it
will be indexed very quickly by Google.)

Using the Tag Page Traffic Generation Trick on HubPages. For this to work effectively
you need to create Hubs in sets of about 3-5 or more. So create a hub in the normal
way but instead of just adding tags from your favourite keyword tool, go to Google
and do a search for all the related tag pages that are already ranked and indexed in
Google. What you want are the tags. These are the tags that you are going to add to
your hub for instant traffic. The tag pages are already indexed and listed in Google so
they are already generating traffic for hubs that are listed there. What you want is to
put your Hub listing on many of the tag pages that are already getting traffic from

You’ll get Instant Traffic in Two Ways:

(1) You’ll get instant traffic from the Tag Pages that are already listed and
indexed by Google.

Many Tag Pages on HubPages are very well ranked in Google. Just do a search for the search term download ipod tunes without quotes. The tag
page is ranked number 6. If you can just add that Tag Page to your hub, you’ll get
your hub listed there and you can start getting traffic in minutes. This is an easy and
powerful way to get free traffic to your hub quickly. It works great if your hub
appears on the first page of the Tag Page. If there are very few listings on the
HubPages, you can get even more traffic.

To find tags for your Hub pages on Google enter the following in the search box: KEYWORD “Hot Hubs”

Remember to replace KEYWORD with the main topic of your Hub.

So for example if you’re looking for tags related to marriage, you would type in: marriage “Hot Hubs”

and, you would get the following results on Google:

The search terms on the left of “– Hot Hubs” in the title are the tags or search terms that you want. Simply go through the search result pages and collect the tags for your Hub page.

(2) You’ll get free instant traffic from other HubPages with which you share tags.
This is a HubPage feature that very few people know about but that has the potential
of generating a lot of traffic for you. If you share a tag with another HubPage Hub
which is already ranked well in the search engines and getting traffic, your Hub will be featured in the related Hubs Section

So if you discover a very popular Hub, just create a similar Hub and copy some of
the tags from this Hub. Remember a lot of Hubs also get lots of traffic from other
sources such as being featured on a high traffic news site.

In order for this to work well, you need to create hubs in sets and put as many tags
(mostly from existing Tag Pages) as you can for each hub. I’m not sure about the
maximum number of tags that HubPages allow but I’ve seen some Hubs with a lot of
tags. I usually aim for about 40 tags on each Hub. If you put too many tags, your Hub
may be flagged automatically by the HubPage system. You would have to remove
some Tags and republish your Hub again to remove the flagging.

Another advantage to using this trick is that Google and other search engines will
index your Hub faster because it will have links from pages that are already indexed
in their search engines.

Using the Tag Page Traffic Generation Trick on Squidoo.

This strategy works in a similar way on Squidoo too. But you’ll be getting better
success with HubPages simply because they allow you to add more tags than Squidoo
does. But you can overcome this by creating more lenses so that you can have more
tags. I think the maximum number you can add on Squidoo is about 20 tags. So if you
create 10 lenses, you can have links from 200 tag pages!

Create lenses in the normal way. Then do some searches on Google or any search
engine that you’re interested in for Tag Pages. You can also copy tags from any
well ranked Squidoo lenses that you discover in the search engines.

All you have to do now is add all the tags from existing Tag Pages to your Squidoo
lens. If the Tags are more than 20, create more lenses and add those tags. This is
why it’s a good idea to create lenses in groups of 3-5 or more so that you can use
all the tags available. Most of your traffic will come from Tag Pages and from
related lenses links on other Squidoo Lenses.

To see examples of Tag Pages on Squidoo go to:

Related Lenses links on Squidoo Lenses

You’ll see these links near the bottom right of each Squidoo lens. If your lens shares
tags with another lens, it will be featured on the ‘More Great Lenses’ section. Copy
some of the tags from popular lenses to start getting some of the traffic instantly.

The fastest way to get instant traffic and High PR links to your Squidoo lens is to add
tags from tag pages that are already listed in the search engines. To find the tags, go
to and enter the following in the search box: “Squidoo : Tags” KEYWORD
Replace KEYWORD with your main keyword phrase. You’ll get a list of tag pages on
Squidoo that are already indexed and ranked in the Google Search engine. Some of the pages are PR4’s and PR5’s.

From the list you can see some of the tag pages about social bookmarking that are already listed in Google.

Just add the tags: social bookmarking, socialbookmarking, social bookmarks,
StumbleUpon, favourites, etc to your lens and you’ll instantly get your lens listed
on these pages for free. At the time of writing the above tag pages were PR3’s.
But I’ve seen lots tag pages with PR4’s and PR5’s.

Because a lot of lenses are linking to these tag pages, some of them are very well
ranked in Google and MSN. This is where your instant traffic will come from
because if you add a tag to your lens that corresponds to a highly ranked tag
page, your lens will immediately start getting some of the traffic from that tag

Some tag pages are very well ranked in Google, MSN and Yahoo. You can find
these tag pages on the first page of the search results. If you find a tag that
corresponds to a highly ranked tag page, it can bring lots of free traffic to lens.


So how do you get instant traffic for your Lens or Hub.

1. Create your Lens or Hub
2. Search Google or other search engine for tags using:
“Squidoo : Tags” KEYWORD for Squidoo or KEYWORD “Hot Hubs”
for HubPages where KEYWORD is your main keyword or phrase for your lens or hub
3. Make a list of all the tags from the tag pages listed in Google
4. Add the tags to your lens

General Tips:

-Write interesting Titles for your HubPages and Squidoo Lenses so that you can
maximize the clicks.

-Always create Hubs and Lens in sets. This will increase the number of tags you
can add to your pages and therefore increase the amount of traffic you can get.

-If you’re promoting a niche product that has no existing lenses of hubs, look for
related tags and add those in addition to your own from keyword research tools.

Additional Resources:

Affiliate Programs: Auction Ads – They’ll give you $25 just for signing up and you can
promote just about any product that is sold on eBay. If you can’t find it on Clickbank,
CJ, etc just do a search on eBay and use their URL converter to generate an affiliate
link. Clickbank – Very popular with internet marketers and great for promoting digital
products. You can build a nice income writing articles on Squidoo, HubPages and promoting Clickbank merchants.

Commission Junction – If you want to promote products and services from the Big
Companies, CJ has them all.

Where to publish your articles:

Happy Traffic – Action Means Money !!


Build a Link Network of Support Sites

A. Avoiding backlink footprints

1. Chances of 2 interlinked sites to have natural links from the same C-class are slim, from same IP are very close to zero. Get one different C-class IP for each site, unless they are not all using AdSense or are interlinked. This is critical! Do link analysis on successful sites and you will see the inbound link IP/domain ratio is high. If you think IPs don’t matter, you’re simply wrong. Very wrong! Google “seo hosting” to find offers. Make sure they have a different DNS & RDNS server for each C-class.
2. Use domain privacy, or even better, fake WHOIS data. Do NOT use fake WHOIS data on important/main domains, however. Just for support sites.
3. Do not interlink sitewide. Interlink from the post/text, using very few links from a site to other (e.g. on a 50 page blog put only 2-5 links towards other blog in the network, 2-5 towards blog2, 2-5 towards blog3, etc).
4. Send links to your competitor’s sites but use a keyword that you are either to small to rank for in the next 6-12 months or a poisoned keyword (e.g. “CompetitorSiteName’s calculator” instead of “mortgage calculator”).
5. From some of the blogs link to a few other only with generic words (e.g. here/click here/see here/on this post/this site and so on).
6. From some of the blogs link sitewide (from blogroll) to your competitor’s site but with their site’s name not a keyword.
7. From some of your blogs, link to other blogs in your network from the blogroll/sitewide but make those NOFOLLOW. Add a few other links there (useful ones) towards other sites that are not yours (so that link doesn’t stand out). While that link is nofollow, you will still link from the posts with **************** links.
8. In some posts put some text from other of your blogs in BLOCKQUOTE tags and below add a link to the source page. This way it looks very legit – you used some text from there and you are linking to the source.
9. Pick a few of the blogs and make them stronger than the others. If you have a 100 blogs network, make about 5 of them a bit stronger than the rest.
10. Do not interlink every site with every other site. If you have a 100 site network group link sources in blog batches like 1-20, 13-30, 27-35, 30-60, 42-65, etc. Random is the name of the game. By all means, don’t stick to round numbers and fixed ranges just because they are easier to remember and do math with them.
11. Build both the sites and the links over time. One year is a good time frame. Don’t be eager to “make money fast and easy” as there is no such thing. You need infrastructure and that takes time to develop. 100 sites all launched and index for first time within a week is a huge footprint. To optimize the whole process, assuming you can generate a lot of sites in a short period of time, go in many niches. That way, while you won’t get the network to make you money faster, after a year you will have several networks not just one.


1. Use different themes (different HTML, CSS and permalinks)
2. Don’t use shitty themes. Try to find at least decent looking themes because you want to be able to convert your visitors and low-quality looking sites kinda make people run away because they don’t inspire trust.
3. Have a backend system to manage all of the sites from one centralized interface. Ideally you should be able to install a new site with the click of a button. I can’t recommend you one as usually I code my own shit to be 100% to my specifications.
4. Have an automatic interlinker with 2 components:
1. Server – has a centralized database with all the keywords for that niche/market/project paired with URLs of pages targeting them (from all the blogs) and rules regarding which sites can get interlinked and which don’t (interlink groups/site batches that I talked about in section A.9).
2. Client – can be a custom coded WordPress plugin if you’re using that as a blog CMS. It should request the list of keyword/URL pairs from the central server and match them with the post text to turn the keywords in the text into links automatically.

C. Content

1. You can automatically generate content, use spun content, mixed content, etc. but you really have to know how to do it otherwise you can pretty much fail. The safe way is to use manually written unique content. I use a mic of all. For spun content, the bigger your seed article is, the higher the number of spins is. And that is not linear. Using fictive numbers here, if for example from 1000 words seed article you can generate 20 posts, from 10000 words seed you might be able to generate 600 posts. Just remember that it pays to do it right.
2. Have a centralized interface to manage the content, know what is posted where, who wrote it, when it was wrote, etc. If you’re outsourcing content writing, you can have the workers login here and they don’t even have to know what sites you own (unless they know how to do an exact match search on google ).
3. Mix the length of the content both within a site and across the network. For example have a site with average post length 300 words and another one with average length 1000 words. This is t further avoid patterns.
4. Personally, I want to make money with my support sites, even if just a little. That is why I advise to post content that is decent. Since you’re investing time in developing this network, it makes sense to make it of decent quality, so that in time you can upgrade these sites from “support sites” to “money sites”.
5. Remember I was saying in section A.9 that you should make some sites stronger? Those should include more content than the rest and cover more keywords, and more difficult keywords (even if you won’t rank too high with them).

D. External links

1. Focus on **************** links. I’ve seen some posts from people saying **************** help as well. I don’t agree. I mean, they might help a bit, but very little compared to ****************. I am ranking #5 for a tier-1 keyword with only 700 links. The site below me has 12,000 links, most of them nofollow. You do the math.
2. Build links gradually over time. If in first month you created 100 links, make sure next month you can create a close number. Don’t blast 2000 links overnight and next month build none.
3. Vary anchor text a lot. And I mean a lot. For the more powerful sites that I was talking about in sections A.9 and C.5, make sure to have a good amount of keyword-targeted links for those more difficult keywords.
4. Focus on specific keywords. This might seem like I am contradicting point (3) above but I am not. You have to vary anchor text across the network, but focus specific keywords/relevance on the graph paths that lead to your money site’s pages targeting them.
5. Analyze your competitor’s backlinks in detail. See the IP/domain ratio, nofollow/**************** ratio (so you know how many links really matter), type of links (blogroll, post, etc. – you can custom code page/link analyzers if you have the skills for it), etc. Get to know your competitor’s backlinks better than they do.
6. Do link exchanges the smart way. No reciprocal. You have the leverage of a large network so use that to your advantage. Give a link from a support site in exchange of a link to your money site(s) or some other support site. Give links from several PR2 support sites to a guy that has a PR5 site so he gets a good deal. You need to link to others anyway to avoid footprints, so get something out of it.
7. Vary the types of links you get. Don’t do just blog commenting or just forum posting, or just article directories.
8. Vary the link sources. Just like you are not interlinking every site in the network with every other site, do not get the same external links for every site. If for example you have access to a pool of 1000 links, don’t build 1000 links towards every site, but 40-100 per site, so that a site has links that other site doesn’t.

E. Do NOT!

1. Do not use AdSense, Analytics, Webmaster Tools or any other Google service on the sites in the network. As a matter of fact avoid any 3rd party services that have a common footprint (e.g. being a publisher on a PPC network with one affiliate code for all your sites).
2. Do not hurry the process (build the network too fast). As tempting as it may be, it is not worth it in the long run.
3. Don’t use link wheels. They are one of the easiest to detect interlinking footprints. There are link schemes that somewhat resemble link wheels and work, but a link wheel that you can draw on paper and looks organized/structured/symmetrical as opposed to chaotic is very likely going to be detected.


Get more traffic and easy 120 backlinks

I found this site called last night. They are currently offering free backlinking (upto 120) if you submit just an article to them. They claim that you will increase 7% more backlink if you add at least 1 wordpress blog as well as refferals to their site. It is just like submitting to article directry but easir and effective. I think it is a pretty fair deal to get free 100 backlinks from virtually doing nothing..

here is a site –



It’s very simple…
Once You Know How To Buy Traffic At Wholesale Prices – You NEVER Have To
Worry About Money Again…EVER!

This is the great and fantastic valued at $1997.

Pre Launch freebies: