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Sunday, 1 April 2012


Fastest Way To Make Real Money

Pick Market

This is SO easy, it isn’t funny.

Right now, go pick a niche. Hell, I’ll give you a few:
Health, Wealth, or Relationships. Pets is good too. (this means weight loss, health problems, debt problems, foreclosure issues, making money online, relationship conflicts, breakup/get back together, lonely guy/girl, sex, and pets)
Don’t think about it. Just pick one.
Now, take your chosen category and go to clickbank. Find the highest gravity product. Don’t care – just pick one.
Next, go to “quantcast” and enter your chosen products web address and find out your targets demographics. Age, sex, location, frequently visited sites. Write this stuff down.
After that, go look up 10 forums on the topic. Look for people that are desperate – write down what they desire, what they are looking for.
These are called HOT BUTTONS. This is what will make you SELL.
Finally, go look at your chosen products sales page. Line up the hot buttons with your target demographic.
Build “Opt-in” Bait for a squeeze page. Find out what your market wants and create a short little product for them to download.
This is “bait” to get them to opt-in. A short 20 page report works well.
Make squeeze page. Put benefits to your product (yes, it is a product!) on your squeeze page in bullet points.
Line those up with your target markets needs. (You discovered these in step three).
Then, on the thank you page, put a review of the product you chose to promote. Video reviews work well. Then offer a bonus for buying through your link.
Finally, write up 10 emails to follow up with them. Offer them solid content and inside that content, put your affiliate link. Switch up straight promotions with content.
For those that purchase, get them on your “buyers list”. Those that don’t, at the end of 10 days offer them another affiliate product. You’ll pick up more buyers this way.
We built up our opt-in bait and squeeze page, with thank you page testimonial review. Now it is time to get the TRAFFIC. And this is where the magic happens…
Folks, I used this SINGLE technique – and I got 1000 subscribers in a matter of a few days…
Read That AGAIN!
Frankly, at that time, I got lucky. REAL lucky. I was clueless to what I was doing. But not anymore.
Here is the strategy:
Leverage what you have to attract the people that have what you need to give it to you!
What you need is this: People with medium to LARGE email lists already. And here is how you attract them:
- Go search for 10 affiliates already established in your niche. Approach them with an offer they can’t refuse… say they need article writing, graphic design work, copywriting, who knows…but find out what they need and GIVE IT TO THEM. Preferably something they HATE doing. (link building, etc.)
Now, before you go say “Why do all that for them when I’m building their business…” because it works for you in TWO ways, I’ll show you in a moment.
Now how they PAY YOU is with their email list…they send out a broadcast or two advertising your site.
This can result in hundreds or thousands being added to your list in a VERY short time…
For me, it was a little over 1000 subscribers, 314 dollars in IMMEDIATE income, and 2 to 3k a month from there on out. Just from this SINGLE TRANSACTION.
Now, are you going to go off and do nothing? NOPE…
You are now going to go find 10 more affiliates inside your niche…and you are going to offer them AD SWAPS.
This is where you basically trade lists. You can safely do this with your list 3 times a month…and in doing so double or triple the size of your list VERY fast.
So, lets say you got 500 subscribers with the first jv deal. You then do 6 swaps over 2 months, that should grow your list to 2k pretty fast.
And, just to give you some metric’s…that should be 2000 a month in affiliate commissions.
Now we kick it into overdrive.
Start Outsourcing.
Hire a content writer and submitter from the Philippines. The are many advantages to the Philippines, like amazing english skills and good work ethic…very loyal. Plus, it’s ONLY about 300 to 600 a month. Easy for you, now that you’re earning 2k a month.
You are going to get them to write and submit articles for you. Train them well (how to do so is beyond the scope of this “mini course”, info is out there if you look)
They’ll start driving DIRECT traffic to your site without you lifting a finger. This allows you to CONTINUE to build relationships and do more JV ad swaps.
By now, a few months has passed and you should have about 3 to 4 thousand on your list…this is where it gets exciting!
Now, here is more leverage…
You now have a LIST of power house affiliates that you can JV in the future. You have a guy (your start up guy) who loves you to pieces for helping him out – and you have helped grow your business and HIS business at the same time…
You are now going to MAKE YOUR OWN PRODUCT in this niche. Use your competitors product as a base and BUILD IT BIGGER and BETTER.
Then, use your list, your 10 or so affiliates and do a PRODUCT LAUNCH. Go with clickbank for this. Because you are going to leverage their affiliate system.
Then, plan your launch – Simply put – do 6 video’s, like so:
1. Someone interviewing you about you and your product. This builds trust with your list!

2. A case study of someone using your system.

3. A sample of the stuff they are going to learn.

4. A ‘product spy photo or video’

5. Another case study.

6. A Q&A video with you answering questions.

Span this over 2 weeks – then have all your affiliates and you send out the “launch day” email and then 2 things are going to happen.

1 Your affiliates and you will all promote…and remember how you helped grow that first guys business? He is going to have a larger list now…equaling thousands upon thousands of dollars for you.

2 This is going to have a “run away” effect ~ going with clickbank and using those affiliates, you are now going to have a HUGE GRAVITY and are going to pick up tons and tons of affiliates organically!

This should equal a continual 5 figures a month…so now we just need to duplicate.
Enter into a related, but slightly different niche, than before. This will enable you to cross promote lists. Get your buyers from your first launch onto this second product.
The process of doing this again will be 10 times easier, because you are already going to have a monster list, and several tight JV partners.
You can then leverage this success to go find more jv partners and more “bigger players” than before.
Also, add on several “upsells” and “downsells” to each product and you can easily triple the money you bring in.
After doing this with 2 or 3 products, you’ll have a six figure a month business, all on autopilot…And you never spent a dime on traffic, and never relied on article marketing for your own success.
What is a Six Figure A Month Business?
It is: 67 Sales a Day at 50 bucks.
You think that is hard?
Imagine having 100 affiliates all promoting you.
Sure, remove the part of commission and what do you get? 20 bucks a sale is 166 sales a day.
Now, that is an average of 2 sales a day per affiliate!
Think about this…Travis’s product, The Magic Of Making Up, has affiliates doing 20 to 30 sales a day. Several of them!
What is more amazing is that if you add UPSELLS and DOWNSELLS, this gets a lot LOT EASIER.
So, you think it’s not possible to make 6 figures a month in less than a year?
Think again.
This is how the big boys do it.
The big boys don’t screw around writing articles or managing PPC campaigns.
YOUR time is the most VALUABLE resource you have. You can’t replace it, you can’t get more of it, so you need to be as EFFICIENT as possible to make the most money possible. That is why you work on RELATIONSHIP BUILDING – getting people more established than you on your side…that is why you outsource…let them do the mundane work of your business.
The big boys focus on RELATIONSHIP building, making KICK ASS products, and LEARNING how to Market And how to SELL!
By doing those things, they master the art of business, and can make more money than most people make in a life time.
Tony Robbins. This dude, he makes 500 million a year. He TAUGHT Frank Kern and John Reese.

Can you imagine that? 500 Million a Year! But he did so through LEVERAGE, in a very SIMILAR fashion to what I’m teaching you now!


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