i will share one of my methods that i using to get fresh high PR Link, and you can get it in just 10 minutes or maybe shorter.
1. go to hxxp://www.seoserp.com/web_tools/backlink_checker.asp
2. submit google.com/yahoo.com/bing.com or anythig but big god site in cyberworld in box of your domain.
3. click ‘find’
4. then you will see tons of dofollow blog in cyberworld and mostly all of them have comment bar, also autoapprove
5. if you lucky, you can get single post with PR 8 easily…
2. submit google.com/yahoo.com/bing.com or anythig but big god site in cyberworld in box of your domain.
3. click ‘find’
4. then you will see tons of dofollow blog in cyberworld and mostly all of them have comment bar, also autoapprove
5. if you lucky, you can get single post with PR 8 easily…
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